July 13, 2010

g'day mates!

The first workshop is over, and it was truly wonderful. Barb is an absolutely amazing teacher, and I've already learned so much my head is about to explode. I can't wait to get out and put it all into practice. If you're a photographer and ever get a chance to go to a JinkyArt workshop.....GO! You'll be so glad you did.

My camera stayed in its bag for most of the time on this first go round, but it will definitely be making an appearance for the next one. The workshop participants were all so very talented and nice, the weather cooperated (my biggest worry), and the models were absolutely adorable and very photogenic. I don't think it could have gone better.

One down, two to go.

I have had so much fun getting to know my new friends from Down Under. Barb is traveling with her lovely family and two friends/Girl Fridays extraordinaire. They are good people - lots and lots of fun and so very, very nice. (So fun and so nice I had to double the adverbs, or modifiers or whatever "lots" and "very" are, in order to do them justice.)

As you can see by my post title, I'm trying desperately to get my Aussie on, but I think I've got a bit to go. My favorite new vocabulary word is grotty, which perfectly describes the bag of garbage I went through today (from last Friday), (that's four day old garbage in case you're keeping track), (and it's been in the 90's), (yum), in order to try and find the fork (borrowed from my mother-in-law) that went missing after our first dinner. Fortunately, the wayward utensil was toward the top.

The next workshop starts Wednesday, so I should be back soon with some fun photos to share.

See you soon!

Update! Barb has just posted insanely gorgeous workshop photos on her blog. You must check them out!


  1. Sounds like such fun and a great learning experience. The photos in this post are lovely!

  2. I would love to be able to learn more about photography like that. My aunt and uncle lived in Australia for three years and my parents were able to visit them for three weeks during that time. Our whole family has a love affair with the Land Down Under.

  3. Your beautiful home + Barb's beautiful art........I feel SO LEFT OUT. Just dying here. So wishing I could be there. Enjoy!!!!

  4. I really wish I could have been there - it sounds amazing!

  5. Does the next workshop start tomorrow then?

  6. That arbor archway is AMAZING ! Your home is just so beautiful - thanks for sharing snippets with us....


  7. Hey T! I'm so happy you are enjoying yourself. Take a deep breath and just live in the moment, okay? I can't wait to hear all about and see your new experience in action.

  8. Thank you so much for opening your home to us! I want to move right in! You are the hostess with the mostess.
    Incidentally, it was not me who threw your mother in law's fork away. ;)

  9. Your home, so gorgeously bedecked, is causing me to covet.

    I can't wait to hear more about your fun!

    ps- Mybee the dingow aytcho bybee.

  10. I knew the workshop was going to be at a beautiful location but it so far exceeded what I had pictured. Thanks to your family for taking such wonderful care of all of us.

  11. I am so glad you're having a great time and can't wait to see the result of all you're learning!!

    Your farm is the perfect place to practice all of it!! So beautiful!!

    Have fun! I'm off to look at her pics!

  12. SO glad that it all went well!
    Your photos are already stunning,
    so can't imagine what you'll do
    next with them! Love that arbor ~
    oh my! One of my best friends lives
    in New Zealand, so "grotty" is a
    term I've heard from her and in
    many cases is just spot on {another
    of her phrases}! Looks like summer
    has truly arrived in all of her
    splendor at your farm : )
    xx Suzanne

  13. If your photos get any better, I won't be able to bear it. That arbor, seriously Benny? I wish I could have borrowed it for my garden walk - so, today is Thursday last time I checked, that means that you are done with the Wed. workshop, right? Now can you breathe? (after that smelly trash is gone) I'm almost catching my breath too - can't wait to get caught up proper like!

  14. Please come to my house and plant for me. You take amazing photos. Thanks for all you do.


  15. Ok- what a great double whammy for the participants-
    an amazing workshop and being at your home.
    I am trying to find something in South Texas to attend but I am having zero luck!

    Enjoyed visiting,

    That was really lucky (although digging in the trash may not have felt like it) in finding that fork!
