October 29, 2012

sharing the giveaway love

It's fall in Montana.

A very pretty fall, in fact.

But for the moment, forget about fall and start thinking Christmas because my vintage loving,  pretty pillow making friend Amy, is having a giveaway.

And it's not just an ordinary giveaway.

It is quite possibly the coolest giveaway ever.

I want it.

I want it a lot.

A couple years ago, Amy made a very cool Christmas tree out of vintage Christmas ornaments.

It was very creative and very pretty and I immediately made plans to find an old window screen and craft my very own vintage ornament Christmas tree.

I'll give you three guesses as to my progress on that front.

But, here's the fabulous news.  Amy has made another beautiful vintage ornament tree and is giving it away on her blog.




To one of us!

So, if you would like to have your very own, one of a kind work of vintage Christmas art, pop on over to Amy's blog to enter yourself in the giveaway.

Happy Monday!

October 19, 2012

Crisp, clear afternoons and beautiful, vibrant colors.

It will all be over soon, but for now, I'm loving these color-filled days.

How about you? Are you having a beautiful fall?

Chilly mornings?

Blue skies?

Or are you having drizzly, cozy, make a pot of soup days?

Indulge my inner weather geek and tell me what it's like at your house!

October 2, 2012

don't give up on us baby

Have you totally given up on me?

If you haven't, you probably should.

I have truly lost my blogging mojo, but once I'm through my busy senior photography season, I'm going to try my best to get my sorry self back on the blogging bandwagon.

But don't hold your breath.

These beauties are just a few of the darling girls I've had the privilege to photograph this year.

I've had an absolute blast with my girls this year.  Montana girls are the best.  They'll go anywhere and they're game for pretty much anything.

Sit in the river at sunrise?  Yes Ma'am!

(This one calls me Ma'am.)

(Not quite sure what I think about that.)

(This is her "I know the morning light is beautiful, but this water is cold and I can't feel my legs" look.)

If she seems a bit familiar, it's because you've seen her here.

And here.


And now here!

It's been impossible to pick favorite sessions this year.  They've all been fun and very, very different.

Thanks for hanging in there with me through my slump/break/slacker fest.

Truly, you haven't missed much as the deer ate pretty much my entire garden this year, and for the last two months, all the local scenery has been hidden by thick wildfire smoke.  The skies are just now starting to clear, so hopefully they stay that way and we'll be able to enjoy a beautiful fall.

Remember Ceili?  We've already done two extremely fun sessions and have plans for more in the beautiful fall color.

Until we meet again........


p.s. Bonus points to anyone who can name the artist who sang my post title song without looking it up on the internet!