August 23, 2012

hazy lazy days

Do you ever have days where you feel like this little guy?

Or girl?  It's kind of hard to tell, but he just kind of seems like a boy to me.

My sister claims this is how she looks before she has her morning coffee.


Watching this little nest was definitely a highlight of my summer.

The weather has been gorgeous.

I've got the most outrageous farmer's tan ever.

I've made a point of choosing my porch swing over my computer screen, and that's been a good thing.

But, I can already feel a change in the air.

The nights are crisper.

The flowers are fading.

There's a 36 degree morning in the forecast.

I want to make sure to catch every last second of my very favorite time of year while I can.

How about you?

Has it been a good summer at your house?

Are you ready for fall with its cool, crisp days?

Or are you like me,  hanging on to these last hazy days with all your might?

Chime in with your favorite season and then go have yourself a great Thursday!